Ecrider’s Blog

July 21, 2009

ECrider’s Location Change:

Through google search, I am now located at:       

Come join me there for the ride of a lifetime.

You will be more than glad you did.

The intent will be to run seven days a week.

We only hope this will be enough time to get everything in.

Looking forward to hearing from you over there.

Stay tuned,        I promise to make it worth your while.

May 13, 2009

A Crazy World

I can’t sleep. In thoughts, I’m way too deep. I’m thinking about all the secrets and promises I have sworn to keep. I’ve got to balance all these different personalities, around each one of my posse. I just can’t let loose and be the real me. I can’t tell who she loves. I can’t reveal what she said, or who she’s dreaming of. I can’t give a hint about how she really feels about her shoes. Or how she thinks she’s shallow, or how she got the blues. Who is suppose to be her best friend? Can’t tell, that the red head talks about the Prom Queen. They are sisters, who are perfectly blend. The brunette talks about the gossiper, behind her back. Says,  ” Class is what she lacks.”  Gossip can kill, keeping quiet is a rare skill. Keep all opinions to yourself. Don’t leave your feelings on a shelf. Don’t let yourself get sucked in. Because there’s no way, you can win. Honesty isn’t always the best policy. But loyalty is the best quality. Choose your words wisely and hear the truth slyly.     ( H.M. )

If You Look At Me:

What you don’t know is I’ve been bruised. I’ve experienced things that you never knew. I built this wall to protect myself. I refuse to be harmed by anyone else. If you think I act tough, know it’s because my life has been rough. I am standing strong, so your misconception of me is wrong. When you look at me, I bet you think, ” She is a mess.” But I will not stress, if I don’t spark your interest.     ( C.E.D. )

May 11, 2009

Momma Please Listen

Filed under: health,human rights,life,opinion,people,personal,relationships — ecrider @ 5:30 pm

Momma please listen, I have a song to play. Momma please listen, as I tell you of my day. Momma please listen as I tell you my pain.

Please momma please, why won’t you listen? Why don’t you watch me grow? Why have you forgotten? Why haven’t you listened?

But now you watch me grow. You watch me be alone. It’s all because you didn’t listen. So I grew up living all on my own.

The inspiration for writing  ” Moma,Please Listen” was from seeing so many people being neglected or pushed away by their mother or family members.    ( D.M. )

May 7, 2009


Give me a word, Lord I pray. Help me to know just what to say. Give me the confidence in all I do. And help me to know what comes from you. If there is a journey, that I must take. Help me to know, it’s for God’s sake. That it is something that I must do. After all I require of you, help my life to save at least one soul. Keep my heart under control. Help me, how you want me to be.And please help me always, to serve Thee.         ( D.L. )

May 5, 2009

An Economic Story

To make a long story short – What stocks should you look for in a world of slow growth and stable or easing prices?

The same sort of companies that have done well in the past in this climate. Companies that not only out pace their competitors in both revenue and profits, but continue to grow whether the economy expands or not.

Look for companies that are dominant in their markets, possessing good and stable management teams, that generate enough cash internally to finance growth without having to depend on banks, the bond market or stock sales to raise capital.

If you want to engage in the financial fantasy of having a half a ton of hot steel between your legs, try a Harley – Davidson.

Some companies do well in the face of slow economic growth and easing prices, and it’s a safe bet that they’ll continue to do well in the future – deflation or not. There are plenty, so don’t panic. Deflation is not a reason to sell, it’s an opportunity to buy things cheap.

                …….stay tuned for the rest of the story…….

May 4, 2009


The trade for all types of natural resources must begin across the planet.

April 30, 2009


We as people on this planet do have things in common including sickness and death.

We need to come together as people and work through problems for the benefit of all mankind.

April 28, 2009


When capitalist failed to take care of business, when they don’t cause the so called “trickle down effect”, when they are on the verge of bankruptcy themselves, what do you think will happen?

If someone sees you hurt or have fallen, and they try to offer you a helping hand, would you refuse it? Would you rather them let you die?

If they nursed you back to health, and you finally can stand on your own feet, and learn from your mistakes, wouldn’t it be worth it – the helping hand?

You are free to become bankrupt or go out of business if that is what you choose.

Or never put yourself in a position where you have to borrow.

The Constitution is about promoting general welfare which includes financial support given by a government to the unemployed, disadvantaged, etc………

When private organizations find themselves becoming poor, they can get support from the government.

April 27, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal,relationships — ecrider @ 1:59 pm

No more adjustable rates.

Only low, fixed rates.

A little bit is better than nothing at all.

A bunch of little bits do add up.

A Conservative Mindset?

Filed under: government,human rights,life,people,personal,political,politics — ecrider @ 1:52 pm

Past examples have been a lack of privacy, un-cautious foreign policy, anti-tax fanaticism, blind deregulation, wiretapping, pre-emptive war, legally sanctioned kidnapping and torture, WaterGate, and intelligent conservatism.    Did I forget anything?

April 24, 2009


The Republicans need to answer – What would they have done with a failing bank system?

Would they allow bankruptcy at all levels?

If money was borrowed from the Republicans, what would  their terms be?

Would the Republicans provide welfare services to the people?

Would they launch any criminal investigations?

Or would they allow the country to fall apart and still try to collect taxes?


Filed under: human rights,life,people,personal,political,politics — ecrider @ 2:45 pm

This spirit is a destroyer of unity in homes, with relatives, friendships and churches. This spirit causes people not to be honest about their feelings towards each others. Those who are jealous feel insecure, inferior, unworthy or they feel less favored and less blessed. Jealousy manifests into resentment, hatred and bad feelings towards others. There are situations that people really have no reason to be jealous when all the individual has to do is work their way into a favored position. Hopefully this favored position has nothing to do with taking someone else’s mate. Know the limits in your ability of what you can achieve for this will bring knowledge of yourself.

April 23, 2009

Behind Secret Doors

Filed under: life,people,personal,poems,poetry — ecrider @ 3:08 pm

How do people live their life? Lying to their heart, sleeping with another man’s wife. Even with love they try to cheat. Some will try to get your mother, sister and child between the sheets. They trap their prey by being kind. To take her body by lying to her mind. You fall to the feelings of the opposite sex. Your heart they hear, your body they flex. You believe your problems a secret lover can heal. Because of the lies they tell you, plus how they make you feel. You are living in danger at night, you can’t sleep. The life you live in between the sheets. You walk out after you tell your spouse a lie, just to run out to sleep between another lover’s thighs. People can be selfish, they want more and more. Some have their baby’s momma, wife and whores. Rich people smoking crack, drinking, crawling on the floors. Living life behind secret doors. She grins at her man’s best friend in a sexual way. It started as little kids, now the feelings won’t go away. Life keeps the devil in our path. The world don’t care, they just point and laugh. Why does that little girl always cry? Daddy’s best friend touched her between her thighs. The child is acting out, mother forgot their hugs. Mommy gets beatings while daddy is on drugs. The goverment brings in guns, illegal drugs and sin. The poor people, they get trapped within. Do people have anything to say? The pain and lies people play. Everyone has a story to be told. The young or old, it is the dreams they hold. Those that sin and lie so free. Secrets are hidden, but God can see. As life passes you by, don’t wait until Judgement Day to ask the Lord why. Be careful about what the flesh and heart feels. There is a God and people do feel. Don’t sit in sin and always cry. Ask God for forgiveness before you die.       ( Naji )

April 21, 2009


Filed under: life,people,personal — ecrider @ 2:00 pm

As our brothers keeper, we should be watching out for the interests of the weakest among us. As future generations yet unborn, they are the ultimate in the weak and voiceless class.


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:53 pm

All interest rates need to be low and fixed to get the cash flow going.

Those who can afford to pay taxes need not complain.

All we have to do is make sure the tax dollars are spent correctly.


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:43 pm

You will hit bottom when you get rid of all bad management. Good management will clean up what’s left, rebuild and improve themselves.


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:38 pm

End discrimination around the globe so to develope economic partnerships. Differences in opinions causes discrimination.

April 17, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 2:05 pm

When you’re told that you are over qualified because you have an associate degree, you have missed an opportunity to be employed.


Filed under: life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:55 pm

When a lone police officer at the scene of an incident does not write in the police report all the incriminating details, so as to avoid arresting anyone, the victim is left unprotected.

April 16, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 2:30 pm

Because of continual foreclosure and toxic assets, globally we must put through an orderly bankruptcy reorganization on everything, with a fixed exchange rate system.

April 15, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people — ecrider @ 3:34 pm

In the winds of change, there will always be new opportunities to make money.Take advantage of the changes and increase your cash flow.

In This Sinful World Today…..

Filed under: life,people,personal,poems,poetry — ecrider @ 3:10 pm

In this sinful world today, love, money ,power and the  devil’s temptations keeps getting in the way. I try to think of you and me God but the devil won’t let me be. The temptation keeps lurking in my path. When I fall into sin, I can hear the devil laugh. True love and family, the devil hates. A piece of your soul the devil tries to take. What is this unknown force that is trying to come between my Lord and me? The devil won’t let me be. The Word of God’s book is the fighting sword. I pray to keep the devil away , so my soul won’t go astray. This isn’t how this servant is suppose to be. Oh Lord, please save me. I pray for God to take these ropes from around my neck. With forgiveness and prayer, I won’t ever forget. Oh God please watch over me. In this sinful world, the devil won’t let me be. Every time I try to live the right way, temptation tries to pull me away. My heart and soul, people and the devil tries to use. My mother didn’t birth any fool. I’m giving my problems and sins Lord, all to you. Some how with love and forgiveness, I will make it through. Lord, I’m not done praying yet. The closer to God, I try to get. I fall when it seems I forget to pray. Then I have problems and it’s easy for the devil and sin, at times I feel and see the devil and no other. I can’t reach out to my mate, friend or mother. Because lack of faith in the brotherhood , your community doesn’t love and support you like they should. Lord, the devil and people are trying to come between you and me. Temptation Lord, won’t let me be. God I want my pain to be free. Lord save me, oh Lord save me. The devil is really trying to blow my mind. Lord with the Word my soul is untwined. I give my pain Lord to you. I know all my days I will make it through. Love and the devil, keeps ripping my heart apart. I’m fighting to walk into the light from the dark. Lord, the devil has a tight hold. I fight Lord, it seems I can’t let go. The wrong doer’s death was in your decree. Lord, the devil won’t let me be. Lord come and save. Lord I will become your slave, before I return to my grave. Then love asks me, ” What’s wrong with me”? This is not how love is suppose to be. Lord to you I lift up my hand. You are the only one with the plan.   ( Star )

April 13, 2009


Filed under: life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:47 pm

Spirituality is an inherent part of being human. It’s a personally liberating and uplifting experience, an encouragement to grow and evolve to a more conscious perception of realities and our common humanity.

April 10, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 2:04 pm

Society is held back when we don’t work together as efficiently as possible so we all can be prosperous.

April 9, 2009

People’s Attitudes

Filed under: life,people,personal — ecrider @ 3:47 pm

Some people very easily get an attitude for whatever reason they feel is right. An attitude is a change in a person’s mood. There are several interactions that some people predetermine that will give them some kind of an emotional problem that results in them showing an attitude. An attitude can be unpleasant and can make a person extra hard to get along with. An attitude can effect how a person looks, respond, and what they will do. Some people’s attitude or state of mind is mostly negative. When some people have an attitude, they can become careless, silent, cynical, distracted, irritable and disagreeable to live with. For some genders, if something goes wrong in their lover relationship, they immediately try to figure out what it would take to bail themselves out of the relationship. What they should be doing is trying to figure out what is needed to make the relationship more satisfying. Once a gender figures out their game plan to get out of the relationship, they basically become settled. All of this game planning because of their insecurity, distrust and lack of faith in their mate. What one gender should realize is that the other gender feels exactly the same way because there is good and bad in both genders. A relationship is the taking of chances for both sexes. The last point is for both genders not to make any demands on their mate that they personally can’t do themselves. This is why compatibility is so important in a lover’s relationship. Otherwise, each gender can simply take care of themselves and live alone.

April 8, 2009

The Strength Of A Man

Filed under: life,people,personal,poems,poetry — ecrider @ 2:38 pm

The strength of a man isn’t in the power of his arms. It’s in the love with which he embrasses you. The strength of a man isn’t found in his thunderous voice. It is found in the gentle way he whispers to you. The strength of a man isn’t about how many friends he has. It’s how true of a friend he really is. The strength of a man isn’t in how respected he is at work. It is in how respectful he is to his parents and at home. The strength of a man isn’t in how hard he can hit. It is in how tender he touches. The strength of a man isn’t found in his wallet. It is found in the integrity of his words. The strength of a man isn’t in the wisdom he may possess. It is in the wisdom that he disperses. The strength of a man isn’t in the weight he can lift. It is in the burdens he can understand and overcome. The strength of a man isn’t found in being a good father. It is found in the love and compassion of being a Dad. The strength of a man isn’t about how good he is at being a son. It is how good of a son he really is.      ( Ibn )

April 6, 2009

Poetic Justice

Filed under: life,people,personal,poems,poetry — ecrider @ 2:40 pm

It’s summer but yet the world is cold, if  you’re pregnant  and 15 years old. She was sweet and quiet as a mouse. But when her parents found out, she was kicked out of the house. Now her boyfriend is upset, furious and mad, because he found out he was going to be a dad. Now he’s walking around the world with a frown. He says the baby isn’t his, then he skips town. So she turns to the church seeking what to do, but the pastor says ” We don’t help sinners, like you”. She has so many questions and not enough answers. Bad news keeps coming, her grandma died because of cancer. Feeling abandoned and no one to show her love, she turns to a life filled with drugs. Cocaine, PCP, heroin, …….. yes she developed a habit. I think it’s an understatement to call her an addict. She loved getting high, it would put her in a daze. She started sharing needles, now she has Aids. This girl would get high to laugh away her pain, it would seem. But I don’t find the humor from dying at 15. The doctors did their best, they did all they could do. But there was no hope, the baby died too. This is a story about a young girl that looks like you. This poem isn’t made to make you mad but to make you think. This is poetic juice for your mind to drink. If you see this girl drowning, help her before she sinks.  ( T.T. )


Filed under: life,people,personal,political,politics — ecrider @ 1:45 pm

Learn from your mistakes and never forget the lessons, for this will lead to perfection.

March 30, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — ecrider @ 3:25 pm

When your best isn’t good enough, You Really Have A Problem. When you’re to lazy to help yourself, You Most Definitely Have A Problem.


Filed under: economics,economy,political,politics — ecrider @ 3:18 pm

We regulate and catch every crook before it’s too late.


Filed under: Uncategorized — ecrider @ 3:12 pm

Some people seem to have a problem with truth and honesty. Are they corrupt?

March 26, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy — ecrider @ 6:45 pm

Capitalism is an economic and political system that depends on private capital or individual wealth and profit making. Money to start or fund a business to accumulate wealth.

There will always be a need for federal regulation of the corporate world. Certain kinds of behavior has to be controlled or abolished so that corporate economy can remain strong. The goal is to eliminate abuses of economic power, to avoid certain kinds of economic and political systems.

There is a small group of people who has concentrated into their own hands, an almost complete control over other people’s lives, labor, money, and property. We need to condemn bad capitalist practices while supporting private enterprise.

There is a need to inject government funds and impose regulations so private markets can work again.

March 23, 2009

Invisible Angel Of Mine

Filed under: poems,poetry,Uncategorized — ecrider @ 5:27 pm

God placed servants into his plan. Najmah, women,children, animals and man. As a little seed, my Lord blew life into my soul. The temptations made my godly soul turn cold. In my parent’s home we always prayed. A dark inner being took that good servant away. As my sins acted out, my heart still cries. I want to be a good servant but God only knows why. Something took me away from my godly mother and God. My childhood sins began to grow and became very deadly and hard. Always looking at my beauty, God I barely had any time. I was not badly harmed because of an invisible angel of mine. Jumping out of fast cars without a prayer. Angry at my mother and God as if they didn’t care. Staying away from home for years….I called it fun. Grave yards, bloody souls, smelling smoking guns. My punishments never failed. Watching my father and love ones go in and out of jail.  As a teenager, I never seem to learn. My mother kept her head up as her heart burned. Wanting to turn my life around, but the desires I didn’t replace. As I lied to my mother and men punched me in my face. God I ran from the hurt I denied. My sins and drugs made me tell my children and family, lies. Poisoning my body that God and my mother gave. Some unnatural force protected me from the grave. I should have given more to God, for my life God gave. Why don’t I walk away from drugs? I am enslaved. I should have been six feet under a long time ago. God must have sent an invisible angel of mine. Many bullets flew by, watching others get popped. My sinning, high eyes should have been droppped. My life was not in the hands of man. God had a special invisible angel, it was God’s plan. God saved me many nights I was too high to see. It wasn’t my time, God sent those death angels away from me. I thank you God for saving me. I am a sinner that now believes in thee. As my new fighting life unwinds, I thank you Lord for that invisible angel of mine.  ( Naji)

March 19, 2009

Brother, ” Oh No….”

Filed under: poems,poetry,Uncategorized — ecrider @ 3:28 pm

You fall in love from your heart. Into a relationship, ugly things began to start. What happen to, ”Baby, I Love You and I Understand”. He began to hit her by raising his damn hands. They go to a party like all is well. She cries in a corner as her body parts swell. She forgives him, then they went to bed. This man wants to put knots and bruises upside her head. He says he’s sorry over some flowers and an I Love You card. He did not mean a word, it was only because his thang was hard. Their love began to turn into hate. She stayed around for her children’s sake. Respect for him no longer grows. Looking at her swollen face saying, ”Brother, Oh No”. Her life she must change. Seeing the pain on her children’s face. Her life became so wild. She could no longer stay because of her child. Your daddy loves you so. But for your mother, he must go. You all will be alright without his gold and cash. Mommy sees her life ending in a flash. She can’t take the punches, being afraid or the shouts. She must save herself, the children and get out. Love your daddy, respect him so. For him to be with mommy, he must go. Talking to doctors and people that are rich. Cannot sleep, he’s constantly calling her a bitch. She made love to him as he wished. She did him so damn right. She gathered the children and tipped away in the middle of the night. Months later, she smiled because she was finally free. Not knowing, that crazy brother was stalking her. He grabbed the children, said ”What’s up whore”. He pushed her into the car door. She had to fight him some more. She kicked and screamed until he opened the doors. She can’t take the hits nor the yells. She must deal with the hospital or with him in jail. She told him loving him was a lie. A sad lonely bed with hate between her thighs. A man or a woman can be an abuser, don’t get me wrong. Love yourself and be strong. Sometimes you must let love go. Looking back at your abuser saying, ” Brother, Oh No…….  ( Naji)

March 11, 2009

Big Government

Filed under: government,political,politics,Uncategorized — ecrider @ 4:50 pm

Democrats and Republicans have their own kind of government spending that they prefer. With the Republicans, they spend on defense. With the Democrats, they spend on education, energy conservation, health care, the environment, social programs, etc…..It is understandable that the government maybe forced into a temporary  spending  spree because of the recession. But there are those who have plenty of money and are not spending, with their huge tax cuts. Too much fraud and corruption can also creates  a recession. With those factors in mind, the government may have to step-up and take control when the private sector and the free market seems to be falling. The only way to have a smaller government is to create a booming economy. Individual members of both parties are interested in expanding the budget in their areas. Each political party wants a big  government that addresses their priorities.

March 10, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,people,personal,Uncategorized — ecrider @ 6:35 pm

People have to understand the different factors that can bring on an economic crisis. Part of the crisis is the lack of government oversight and the other part is the common peoples preparedness for a career change. Since consumer spending is part of the equation, most consumers try to hold on to their 40 hours a week job, especially if it’s paying a decent amount per hour.  It doesn’t help if  the company lays off people or close down. These situations forces people to make changes in their life. Some people simply look for other jobs or try to retrain themselves in a new  career that’s in demand. At the same time, they have to learn how to manage the moneys they have so they can survive. The lack of  government oversight can become a major problem since they are suppose to be in the business of controlling the flow of the country. The Republicans believe in privitization. Many consumers are suffering today- financially- because private crooks have milked the coffers of the banks. Forcing lenders to make loans to unworthy credit risks doesn’t help the situation neither. Tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations didn’t seem to help the economy. It created more greed and hoarding of money with  help from easing regulations. Greedy, corrupt politicians and lobbyists help create an economic crisis. We have to make certain rules to make competition fair, open and honest.  Certain rules and principles that will allow the market to work and the economy to thrive. The institutions need higher standards of transparency and accountability. There is a need to avoid financial meltdowns when we see them coming.

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