Ecrider’s Blog

April 30, 2009


We as people on this planet do have things in common including sickness and death.

We need to come together as people and work through problems for the benefit of all mankind.

April 28, 2009


When capitalist failed to take care of business, when they don’t cause the so called “trickle down effect”, when they are on the verge of bankruptcy themselves, what do you think will happen?

If someone sees you hurt or have fallen, and they try to offer you a helping hand, would you refuse it? Would you rather them let you die?

If they nursed you back to health, and you finally can stand on your own feet, and learn from your mistakes, wouldn’t it be worth it – the helping hand?

You are free to become bankrupt or go out of business if that is what you choose.

Or never put yourself in a position where you have to borrow.

The Constitution is about promoting general welfare which includes financial support given by a government to the unemployed, disadvantaged, etc………

When private organizations find themselves becoming poor, they can get support from the government.

April 27, 2009


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal,relationships — ecrider @ 1:59 pm

No more adjustable rates.

Only low, fixed rates.

A little bit is better than nothing at all.

A bunch of little bits do add up.

A Conservative Mindset?

Filed under: government,human rights,life,people,personal,political,politics — ecrider @ 1:52 pm

Past examples have been a lack of privacy, un-cautious foreign policy, anti-tax fanaticism, blind deregulation, wiretapping, pre-emptive war, legally sanctioned kidnapping and torture, WaterGate, and intelligent conservatism.    Did I forget anything?

April 24, 2009


The Republicans need to answer – What would they have done with a failing bank system?

Would they allow bankruptcy at all levels?

If money was borrowed from the Republicans, what would  their terms be?

Would the Republicans provide welfare services to the people?

Would they launch any criminal investigations?

Or would they allow the country to fall apart and still try to collect taxes?


Filed under: human rights,life,people,personal,political,politics — ecrider @ 2:45 pm

This spirit is a destroyer of unity in homes, with relatives, friendships and churches. This spirit causes people not to be honest about their feelings towards each others. Those who are jealous feel insecure, inferior, unworthy or they feel less favored and less blessed. Jealousy manifests into resentment, hatred and bad feelings towards others. There are situations that people really have no reason to be jealous when all the individual has to do is work their way into a favored position. Hopefully this favored position has nothing to do with taking someone else’s mate. Know the limits in your ability of what you can achieve for this will bring knowledge of yourself.

April 23, 2009

Behind Secret Doors

Filed under: life,people,personal,poems,poetry — ecrider @ 3:08 pm

How do people live their life? Lying to their heart, sleeping with another man’s wife. Even with love they try to cheat. Some will try to get your mother, sister and child between the sheets. They trap their prey by being kind. To take her body by lying to her mind. You fall to the feelings of the opposite sex. Your heart they hear, your body they flex. You believe your problems a secret lover can heal. Because of the lies they tell you, plus how they make you feel. You are living in danger at night, you can’t sleep. The life you live in between the sheets. You walk out after you tell your spouse a lie, just to run out to sleep between another lover’s thighs. People can be selfish, they want more and more. Some have their baby’s momma, wife and whores. Rich people smoking crack, drinking, crawling on the floors. Living life behind secret doors. She grins at her man’s best friend in a sexual way. It started as little kids, now the feelings won’t go away. Life keeps the devil in our path. The world don’t care, they just point and laugh. Why does that little girl always cry? Daddy’s best friend touched her between her thighs. The child is acting out, mother forgot their hugs. Mommy gets beatings while daddy is on drugs. The goverment brings in guns, illegal drugs and sin. The poor people, they get trapped within. Do people have anything to say? The pain and lies people play. Everyone has a story to be told. The young or old, it is the dreams they hold. Those that sin and lie so free. Secrets are hidden, but God can see. As life passes you by, don’t wait until Judgement Day to ask the Lord why. Be careful about what the flesh and heart feels. There is a God and people do feel. Don’t sit in sin and always cry. Ask God for forgiveness before you die.       ( Naji )

April 21, 2009


Filed under: life,people,personal — ecrider @ 2:00 pm

As our brothers keeper, we should be watching out for the interests of the weakest among us. As future generations yet unborn, they are the ultimate in the weak and voiceless class.


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:53 pm

All interest rates need to be low and fixed to get the cash flow going.

Those who can afford to pay taxes need not complain.

All we have to do is make sure the tax dollars are spent correctly.


Filed under: economics,economy,life,people,personal — ecrider @ 1:43 pm

You will hit bottom when you get rid of all bad management. Good management will clean up what’s left, rebuild and improve themselves.

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