Ecrider’s Blog

April 9, 2009

People’s Attitudes

Filed under: life,people,personal — ecrider @ 3:47 pm

Some people very easily get an attitude for whatever reason they feel is right. An attitude is a change in a person’s mood. There are several interactions that some people predetermine that will give them some kind of an emotional problem that results in them showing an attitude. An attitude can be unpleasant and can make a person extra hard to get along with. An attitude can effect how a person looks, respond, and what they will do. Some people’s attitude or state of mind is mostly negative. When some people have an attitude, they can become careless, silent, cynical, distracted, irritable and disagreeable to live with. For some genders, if something goes wrong in their lover relationship, they immediately try to figure out what it would take to bail themselves out of the relationship. What they should be doing is trying to figure out what is needed to make the relationship more satisfying. Once a gender figures out their game plan to get out of the relationship, they basically become settled. All of this game planning because of their insecurity, distrust and lack of faith in their mate. What one gender should realize is that the other gender feels exactly the same way because there is good and bad in both genders. A relationship is the taking of chances for both sexes. The last point is for both genders not to make any demands on their mate that they personally can’t do themselves. This is why compatibility is so important in a lover’s relationship. Otherwise, each gender can simply take care of themselves and live alone.

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