Ecrider’s Blog

April 28, 2009


When capitalist failed to take care of business, when they don’t cause the so called “trickle down effect”, when they are on the verge of bankruptcy themselves, what do you think will happen?

If someone sees you hurt or have fallen, and they try to offer you a helping hand, would you refuse it? Would you rather them let you die?

If they nursed you back to health, and you finally can stand on your own feet, and learn from your mistakes, wouldn’t it be worth it – the helping hand?

You are free to become bankrupt or go out of business if that is what you choose.

Or never put yourself in a position where you have to borrow.

The Constitution is about promoting general welfare which includes financial support given by a government to the unemployed, disadvantaged, etc………

When private organizations find themselves becoming poor, they can get support from the government.

1 Comment »

  1. Socialism by any other name is still socialism.
    Anyone is free to start a business and by the same token they are free to fail!

    Comment by pobept — April 28, 2009 @ 4:59 pm | Reply

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