Ecrider’s Blog

July 21, 2009

ECrider’s Location Change:

Through google search, I am now located at:       

Come join me there for the ride of a lifetime.

You will be more than glad you did.

The intent will be to run seven days a week.

We only hope this will be enough time to get everything in.

Looking forward to hearing from you over there.

Stay tuned,        I promise to make it worth your while.

May 13, 2009

A Crazy World

I can’t sleep. In thoughts, I’m way too deep. I’m thinking about all the secrets and promises I have sworn to keep. I’ve got to balance all these different personalities, around each one of my posse. I just can’t let loose and be the real me. I can’t tell who she loves. I can’t reveal what she said, or who she’s dreaming of. I can’t give a hint about how she really feels about her shoes. Or how she thinks she’s shallow, or how she got the blues. Who is suppose to be her best friend? Can’t tell, that the red head talks about the Prom Queen. They are sisters, who are perfectly blend. The brunette talks about the gossiper, behind her back. Says,  ” Class is what she lacks.”  Gossip can kill, keeping quiet is a rare skill. Keep all opinions to yourself. Don’t leave your feelings on a shelf. Don’t let yourself get sucked in. Because there’s no way, you can win. Honesty isn’t always the best policy. But loyalty is the best quality. Choose your words wisely and hear the truth slyly.     ( H.M. )

If You Look At Me:

What you don’t know is I’ve been bruised. I’ve experienced things that you never knew. I built this wall to protect myself. I refuse to be harmed by anyone else. If you think I act tough, know it’s because my life has been rough. I am standing strong, so your misconception of me is wrong. When you look at me, I bet you think, ” She is a mess.” But I will not stress, if I don’t spark your interest.     ( C.E.D. )

May 11, 2009

Momma Please Listen

Filed under: health,human rights,life,opinion,people,personal,relationships — ecrider @ 5:30 pm

Momma please listen, I have a song to play. Momma please listen, as I tell you of my day. Momma please listen as I tell you my pain.

Please momma please, why won’t you listen? Why don’t you watch me grow? Why have you forgotten? Why haven’t you listened?

But now you watch me grow. You watch me be alone. It’s all because you didn’t listen. So I grew up living all on my own.

The inspiration for writing  ” Moma,Please Listen” was from seeing so many people being neglected or pushed away by their mother or family members.    ( D.M. )

May 7, 2009


Give me a word, Lord I pray. Help me to know just what to say. Give me the confidence in all I do. And help me to know what comes from you. If there is a journey, that I must take. Help me to know, it’s for God’s sake. That it is something that I must do. After all I require of you, help my life to save at least one soul. Keep my heart under control. Help me, how you want me to be.And please help me always, to serve Thee.         ( D.L. )

May 4, 2009


The trade for all types of natural resources must begin across the planet.

April 30, 2009


We as people on this planet do have things in common including sickness and death.

We need to come together as people and work through problems for the benefit of all mankind.

April 28, 2009


When capitalist failed to take care of business, when they don’t cause the so called “trickle down effect”, when they are on the verge of bankruptcy themselves, what do you think will happen?

If someone sees you hurt or have fallen, and they try to offer you a helping hand, would you refuse it? Would you rather them let you die?

If they nursed you back to health, and you finally can stand on your own feet, and learn from your mistakes, wouldn’t it be worth it – the helping hand?

You are free to become bankrupt or go out of business if that is what you choose.

Or never put yourself in a position where you have to borrow.

The Constitution is about promoting general welfare which includes financial support given by a government to the unemployed, disadvantaged, etc………

When private organizations find themselves becoming poor, they can get support from the government.

April 27, 2009

A Conservative Mindset?

Filed under: government,human rights,life,people,personal,political,politics — ecrider @ 1:52 pm

Past examples have been a lack of privacy, un-cautious foreign policy, anti-tax fanaticism, blind deregulation, wiretapping, pre-emptive war, legally sanctioned kidnapping and torture, WaterGate, and intelligent conservatism.    Did I forget anything?

April 24, 2009


The Republicans need to answer – What would they have done with a failing bank system?

Would they allow bankruptcy at all levels?

If money was borrowed from the Republicans, what would  their terms be?

Would the Republicans provide welfare services to the people?

Would they launch any criminal investigations?

Or would they allow the country to fall apart and still try to collect taxes?

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